There are a few things that are needed for the integration to work.

1. In WooCommerce here you will generate 2 keys:

- Consumer Key

- Consumer secret

Wordpress -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced -> REST API - press to add a new key

2. In the PRO interface 

Login with your credentials here (note: You may need to enter a domain)

Menu - > Integrations -> Sources - Add source WooCommerce

3. Fill in the fields with the Information (name, URL, store, warehouse, etc) and settings (set to active state, check to activate products, etc) that you need to connect it and make it active.

4. After adding the source, open it and:

  • Put the keys you have generated from your woocommerce (after this they will disappear like in the picture below) 
  • Click the button to generate webhooks to your woocommerce website (with this you get the information of the orders you have imported to OA)
  • Put both checkmarks if they are not active already

*5. Now for the integration to fully function, check all the settings on the bottom if they are all filled in correctly or missing (store, warehouse, sender, import states)

- Here the shop of the client must be set and to auto confirm orders must be checked

- Here in ''monitor'', you will need the main states to be set. With this your order status will update on the website

new  -> Задържана
complete  ->  Приключена

cancel  -> Отказана

- Here in ''Import States'', you choose which orders with states to get imported in OA

- Here in ''Delivery services'' tab, the sender and warehouse should be set