On this page:

  • What is a Digital mark?

  • Where to check a product if it has a digital mark?

The Digital mark is unique for every item /like a QR code/. Our system checks every single product, and if the digital mark is selected for the product, our system automatically says that it should be scanned for this digital mark

Chestny ZNAK track & trace digital system


Chestny ZNAK is a national track & trace system A special digital code guarantees the authenticity and quality of the goods. The main objective of the system is to increase the level of security of Russians, fight against counterfeit and low-quality analogs.

To see if a product has a digital mark, you can check in the Pro interface of OA.

1. Go to Menu - Products and OrdersProducts - Offers

2. Choose a product

3. The EAV is the last setting when you open a product as shown in the picture below.