Billing services

In settings -> Billing -> create a new billing

Here you can add a service to billing for customers.

Services you can add to a billing for a customer:

*Custom - this is required by the system, here:

Percent - means what % of the amount, which you will enter during the transaction creating, will be added or subtracted from a user Balance.

Fixed - means exact amount from the «Value» field will be added or subtracted from a user's Balance.

1 = 100%;  0.5 = 50%; 1.2 = 120%

for percent type in the Value field

Receiving - charge for receiving stock



*Flat rate - this rate can be used as a general rate for all, 1 price for all services

*Recurrent services (made for Amazon) - 'Services & Recurrent services is for the additional services you do to the items in orders (if you use materials, extra packaging, etc). The difference in ''recurrent services'' is that it bills the client for all the orders done in the end of the month in 1 transaction, not like the ''services'' or ''FLAT rate'' adapters in separate transactions for each order.

Shipping - Its for an additional shipping fee that you charge when you process orders. Choose a carrier and choose a percentage that you want to charge your client per order.

Returns - Charge per a returned order

Storage by items - Fees for storage will be the combined volume of different items

Storage by volume 


For more information on How the billing works, read the following article - LINK