The process for returning is very fast and easy, you just need the assembly place and the order ''ID''.
To be able to return an order it has to be in state ''assembled , delivery or returned''.
1. Go Menu -> Workstation -> Returning
2. Scan assembly place ->
3. Choose the queue for returns that you have created
4. Scan order or delivery request (if you have a printed label of the delivery request or order, you scan it or just put it manually) - Should look like this P/O/1089869*
5. Order has been scanned, no the system is asking to scan the items from the order or can just press the button or the top right to return the order
6. Done. The order has been returned.
7. Now the status of the order has been changed from ''assembled'' to ''Return''.
The items from the returned order won't have a location. They have to be placed on a static location. To do that:
1. Go to Terminal -> Transfer
2. Choose Allocate
3. Scan the location you want to put the stock and then the items you want to be put there. Done.