Meanings of Order Statuses 

PENDING_QUEUED - The order has this status when it is loaded on the system for the first time;

PENDING - Pending (something like an intermediate status before changing the order to another status);

PENDING_ERROR - The order error must be processed;

NEW - New order;

CONFIRMED - Confirmed;

PROCESSING - The order is in progress;

RESERVED_QUEUED - The order is being processed and products are being reserved (if available);

RESERVED - The order is reserved;

RESERVED_MULTIPLE - The products in the order are reserved in more than one warehouse;

PARTLY_RESERVED - Partially booked (the order did not reserve all products);

ASSEMBLING - Picking and packaging of orders;

ASSEMBLED - Packaged order;

DELIVERY - The order is in the carrier (sent);

RETURN - Returns;

PARTLY_RETURN - The order has been partially returned;

COMPLETE - The order has been delivered;

CANCEL - Canceled order;

DELETED - Deleted order;

PAID - a paid order;

NOT_PAID - an unpaid order.