The Storage Locations must be set as a tree of location. The path will be highlighted with green color.

[1] - select a location. If the section has other sub-locations you will see them.

[2] - to delete or edit.

[3] - to add more.

To create a storage location 

The warehouse must be set as a tree. That means that all locations except the 'Employee' type must have a parent location. 

First, please create a room. The Room can mean a warehouse room or a floor.

If there is 1 room in your warehouse, please create a section or sections.

How the tree can look like.





Range From/To - mean how many locations will be created The number will be added to the name that you write for the location of the location. 

Range From 1 - To 1 will create 1 storage place. The name will be 'Section 1'.

Range From 1 - To 2 will create 2 storage places. The names will be 'Section 1', 'Section 2'.

Click "Save" to add the location to the tree. The changes won't be saved until you complete the work by taping on the "Save" button at the end of the page.!

To save changes 

To complete the work with locations and to save the changes please tap on "Save" at the end of the page.

Types of the OA Locations 

Packing section 

Example:  Let's create a packing section with a range of 1 to 1, to have the 1 section. Inside there will be packing places.


Packing workstations

Example:  To arrange the packing place with a barcode select please "assembly" type for this place.

The result:  Packing workstation 1 and Packing workstation 2.

Distribution Locations (for items allocation to order)


The result: the system created 4 places as we set range from 1 to 4 and they have Name D1, D2, D3, D4 as we set the D in the name field.

The sorting section and its location


Pallet Storage Locations 


The result: the system created 3 places as we set range from 1 to 3 and they have Name P1, P2, P3 as we set the P in the name field.

Storage locations

Storage Section has 6 storage locations: 4 with a static type and one Universal and one Dynamic. The last two will needed to do order processing with the OA Terminal.

Locations for the defected and rejected items